Feb. 18, 2020
Bayer clearly disagrees with the jury's verdict and is very disappointed with this result. They will swiftly appeal the decision. While they have great empathy for any farmer who suffers from crop losses, in the case of Mr. Bader there was no competent evidence presented which showed that Monsanto's products were present on his farm and were responsible for his losses.
Without weed management the world would face massive yield loss, resulting in less grain, significantly smaller harvests and ultimately less food for people and animals. In addition, weed management ensures that farmers can make the best use of limited natural resources, avoid waste and can help promote carbon sequestration, an important element of sustainable farming that benefits all of society.
At Bayer, they are proud of their role in helping farmers by bringing innovations forward to help sustainably control weeds. As a company, they're constantly investing and partnering with stakeholders to find new solutions in the research and development of integrated weed management solutions. Plants that are tolerant to dicamba are just one way they are helping growers with new tools to help them control tough weeds on their farms.
Bayer stands firmly behind the company's Roundup Ready® Xtend® Crop System and Xtendimax® herbicide with VaporGrip® technology. These are valuable tools for growers who need effective options to increase yields and combat resistant weeds and do not pose any unreasonable risk of off-target movement when used according to label directions.
They take very seriously their stewardship when introducing a new technology. This is why since the introduction of the Xtend and XtendFlex technology by Monsanto prior to Bayer's acquisition, the company invested substantially in training, nozzles and other resources to help growers best use the technology. They've seen marked improvement as acreage has increased and the number of off target movement inquiries to their call centers have gone down. They are committed to continue this approach and continuously improve.
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