Biolchim S.p.A. is a leader in the production of Special Fertilisers and biostimulant, nowadays considered among the most important in Italy and the most dynamic on the international markets. What is the secret of Biolchim's success? Is there anything worth learning and thinking about for us? Taking this opportunity, AgroPages recently interviewed Dr. Theodore Krintas, Phd, Business Development Manager.
Dr. Theodore Krintas, Phd, Business Development Manager of Biolchim
Biolchim is the global leader in biostimulant industry. What do you think are the reasons for the great achievement of Biolchim, what are the advantages of Biolchim?
Theodore Krintas: Being the global leader in our industry is not an easy task and it is not based on a “magic” recipe. It is the result of 3 big pillars, that play a fundamental role in the biostimulant market:
Of course, one of the key-factors for the success are our products. Innovative, efficient but above all well-tested to all possible environmental conditions to ensure their beneficial application, also in terms of result vs. cost of application.
2)People and Type of Management
In our industry, being a push market, people are one of the most important drivers for the success. This is why we invest in well-educated professionals, specialized in various scientific fields, and we constantly train them. Professionals that are involved not only in their daily tasks, but also in Strategic Planning and Decisioning. And this is why they are fully loyal to a shared company vision, being as close to the farmer as possible to offer a highly appreciated service.
3)Clear Vision and Strategy
Knowing where you want to arrive, but above all, designing correctly how you will arrive, is another important reason of our success. Knowing our strengths and weaknesses, and considering opportunities and threats in the global markets, we are implementing our objectives by performing concrete and well-studied development steps. We are very fast, when it is needed, but quite cautious, when we are not fully convinced.
There are many types of biostimulants on the market. What details do you think will be focused on the R&D and application of biostimulant in the future?
Theodore Krintas: For sure, we are entering in an era, where consumers are demanding agricultural products that are less “dangerous” to their health. This increases the demand for natural solutions to boost productivity and quality, instead of conventional agrochemicals. This is why the category of biostimulants that can naturally improve plant growth and quality traits are receiving nowadays a lot of attention.
Another big problem we are facing is the climatic changes around the world. Changes that are affecting dramatically the global food production, and are creating a stably increasing demand of biostimulants that can increase plant resistance to extreme abiotic conditions, like drought, low-high temperatures, etc.
I would say that R&D in our industry will be focusing on the above targets, but also on the further improvement of the efficiency of the products, making them better and cheaper.
At present, some companies have begun to study the effects of biostimulants on crops at the genetic level. Are there any corresponding researches for Biolchim in this area?
Theodore Krintas: BIOLCHIM, being among the pioneers in the industry, had started performing experiments with gene-expression in the last 10 years. And not only, as this type of approach is part of our R&D protocols, when screening various molecules and product prototypes.
Therefore, yes, BIOLCHIM also is active in this level, but we never forget our main goal, on which we always stay focused: making products that work in the field, under real circumstances, and not only in a lab! So, the field trials in 3-4 consecutive years and under various pedoclimatic conditions are for us the main proof of a good biostimulant. The lab is only the beginning of this process. Such an extensive testing is made possible through a global network of collaborations with Universities, research centres, field test facilities and partners through the WIN (Worldwide Innovation Network) project. In this way, Biolchim can deliver thoroughly tested, effective, and innovative solutions to its customers all over the world.
In 2019, Six Biolchim special fertilizers were approved for organic farming in Germany by FiBL. How do you think the development prospect of global organic agriculture? What role will Biolchim play in organic agriculture?
Theodore Krintas: As already stated, in the so-called western world, consumers have an increasing environmental awareness. Thus, they demand more and more food that is less “dangerous” and that it has been produced with more natural approach. So, organic farming, being part of such a chain, has gained a lot of market share in the last 10-15 years, and we strongly believe that the trend will continue. This is why we have been one of the first companies in the industry with a strong focus on organic farming, creating a big catalogue of products that have been certified for organic farming by well-known third companies all around the world. Today, we are proud to say that our organic farming portfolio is one of the most complete in the world in our industry, consisting of traditional nutritional products but above all of new innovative biostimulants that can really give solutions to the “organic farmers”.
What new products did Biolchim launch in 2019, and what are their effect? In the next 2 years, is there any plan for new products to be launched for Biolchim?
Theodore Krintas: In the last year, we have launched a new specialty fertilizer, PHYLEN, which is a slow-release N with anti-stress actions, specifically designed for extensive crops. Moreover, we have launched in the Italian market our first biological fungicide, T-34, entering in the field of microorganism-based products.
Our R&D department is constantly working on more than 15 different prototypes every year, from which 1 or 2 may finally become commercial products, and this is because our research protocols are very strict and selective, reassuring the performance of a Biolchim product.
In some emerging markets, such as China and Brazil, what is the performance of Biolchim? What are the opportunities and challenges in these areas? In the future, will there be some different marketing strategies in these areas for Biolchim?
Theodore Krintas: Brazil and China belong to a group of countries with huge “attractiveness”, due to their size, potential and market trend. Biolchim, considering the above, had entered in those countries with its own subsidiaries. We have invested in strong and flexible teams, specifically created for the needs of those markets. We never impose the local strategy, but we create it together with our local people, who know very well their needs. This is why, in both countries, today we are recognized among the best players in the biostimulant industry, holding an important position. Moreover, our products there have been awarded in multiple occasions as the most innovative and efficient biostimulants in the market.
However, because of the characteristics of those markets, the competition is very tough, as most of the strong companies are trying to penetrate and gain position. So, in order to succeed also there, we never forget the 3 fundamental pillars I mentioned above. Products, People, Strategy!
In the near future we are evaluating the possibility of further expanding our production facilities in those countries, trying to be closer to the market. However, our main marketing strategy will always be to adapt to the needs of the markets, and not to ask to the markets to adapt to our needs!
This article was initially published in AgroPages '2019 Biologicals Special ' magazine. Download the PDF version of the magazine to read more articles.