By Leonardo Gottems, Reporter for AgroPages

Nykolas Schiavon, Technical Coordinator of Santa Clara Agrociência, explained his company's success with Salut (Phosphorous Acid H3P03 + Copper), which acts as a vaccine by stimulating the plant's defences. It also acts as a sanitizer, preventing the proliferation of fungal spores.
Why is Salut a success for Santa Clara?
Santa Clara is a company closely linked to plant nutrition, but also to plant protection. Protection does not necessarily only come from complete nutrition. Some products ensure that the application of agrochemicals, such as fungicides, insecticides and bactericides, are more effective, which is the case with Salut.
Salut highlights our success, because of its consistency and results, delivering more and more every year. Salut is a product that is part of a new generation of fertilizers with fungicidal and bactericidal action, but it is not necessarily an agrochemical. It can also control bacteria or fungi due to its ingredients.
Does it work as a type of vaccine?
Yes, the additive and ingredient inside the product serve as resistance inducers. Any resistance inducer is also considered a plant vaccine, because it is applied, often preventively, and activates natural defense mechanisms when the plant is attacked by a pathogen. It is already producing natural defense mechanisms, with greater control in resisting pathogens.
Any resistance inducer is also considered an elicitor, as it simulates the attack of a disease. Naturally, the plant attacked by a disease produces natural defenses. Salut activates the plant’s natural defenses, acting as a preventative vaccine.
Does it also have a cleansing, disinfecting effect?
Exactly, technically we say that the product has a sanitizing action that directly affects the pathogen, inducing preventive resistance and curative action. We can use it to both prevent and fight diseases.
The product’s sanitizing additives disinfect the target, causing sporadic paralysis and even control. In a practical situation, when combined with fungicides such as Systemic, it can take time to translocate inside the plant. Salut paralyzes the fungus or bacteria, then it acts as a fungicide, which is why we can say that the product performs as both a fungicide and bactericide.
What can you say about Santa Clara's cupreous line?
Santa Clara's cupreous line, which includes Trat (Copper + Sulfur) and Totale Copper, is reinforced by Salut. Trat and Totale Copper are protective copper sources, which form a protective outer layer against infection and diseases and acts against fungal proteins denaturation, inhibiting cellular respiration. They also form a protective film that stops reinfestation, preventing infection of the leaf surface.
Today, within Santa Clara’s line, Trat is classified as copper hydroxide and Totale Copper as cuprous oxide. Their difference is the arrangement of their copper ion formulations, as well as their concentrations. Totale Combre contains 1,000 grams per liter of copper, which has the highest concentration of copper on the market, while Trat, in the form of hydroxide, has only 350 grams per liter of copper but contains other additives, such as sulfur and silicon, which also help control diseases, along with copper.
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