Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Hailir to set up subsidiaries in Brazil and the Philippinesqrcode

Jul. 24, 2019

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Jul. 24, 2019

Hailir to set up subsidiaries in Brazil and the Philippines

In order to speed up expansion in the markets of South America and Southeast Asia, Hailir is planning an investment of up to 2 million yuan to establish overseas subsidiaries in Brazil and the Philippines. 

Hailir will establish Hailir Brasil Agroservico Ltda in Brazil-Sao Paulo and Hailir Philippines Agroservice Inc in Manila, the Philippines. The scope of business of the subsidiaries covers import and the sale of pesticides and fertilizers. 
Hailir said that the establishment of the subsidiaries abroad is due to the strategic consideration of overseas business deployment, which is expected to help the company speed up its overseas pesticide registration processing to enhance the international business presence of the company.
Source: AgroNews


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