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Indian Cabinet approves additional amendments to Seeds Billqrcode

Oct. 26, 2010

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Oct. 26, 2010

The union cabinet Wednesday approved moving additional amendments to the Seeds Bill, 2004 to ensure availability of quality seeds to farmers.

‘The legislation will regulate the quality of seeds and planting materials to ensure availability of quality seeds to farmers; to protect the rights of farmers; curb the sale of spurious and poor quality seeds; increase private participation in seed production, distribution, and liberalise imports of seeds and planting materials,’ the agriculture ministry said in a statement.

The additional amendments also provide for nomination of chairpersons for Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Authority and National Bio-diversity Authority to the Central Seed Committee, submission of seed-related periodic returns to the state government and enhancement in penalties of offences.

Provisions of labelling, seed health, expected performance and compensation to farmers have been included to ensure public accountability.


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