Oct. 8, 2018
FMC introduces in Italy its insecticide Altacor® to combat moths in greenhouses and open fields.
Altacor® is an ovi-larvicidal insecticide formulated in water-dispersible granules based on Rynaxypyr, a patented brand, at a ratio of 35 percent. This active substance is also known by the name chlorantraniliprole, that is reported on the ministerial label and in the databases.
Altacor® is fast in action, but also ensures sufficient persistence of crop protection. Recorded on all the most important vegetables of the Italian agricultural panorama, Altacor® should be used at 80-100 grams per hectare on the brassicaceae, then rising to 80-120 grams on solanaceous and salads. Finally, the doses touch the 80-150 grams per hectare on cucurbitaceous plants, always choosing the highest dose in case of parasites of difficult control such as Spodoptera and Tuta.
The safety interval is also excellent: the product can in fact be applied to all the crops on the label until just three days from the harvest.
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