Feb. 28, 2018
The soybean variety decision begins with yield. It does not, however, end there. The leaders at Credenz© know yield is the first part of the profit equation; efficient herbicide tools and strong genetics are proven partners in profitability.
That's why a recent grower survey shows Credenz now is in the top 10 soybean brands planted in the United States. That's a quick acceleration for a three-season-old brand driving through the more than 150 soybean seed brands available to U.S. growers.
Bayer Soybean Seed Product Manager Marc Hoobler explains why growers are grabbing Credenz soybean seed.
"Growers expect high-yielding varieties and Credenz consistently delivers," Hoobler says. "Credenz has a wide range of varieties tailored to meet the needs of the grower. Also, Credenz has the most LibertyLink varieties available on the market today. The LibertyLink system enables growers to protect their yield by eliminating difficult to control weeds with Liberty herbicide. Superior weed control and high-yielding varieties are a great combination for growers."
Herbicide-resistant weeds drive the grower need for the LibertyLink© trait, which allows in-season application of Liberty© herbicide. Liberty herbicide provides 98 percent control of a broad spectrum of grasses and broadleaf weeds, making it an excellent tool for combatting those tough-to-control and resistant weeds, including Palmer amaranth, waterhemp and marestail. The active ingredient in Liberty is a Group 10 herbicide, which is the only broad-spectrum herbicide that effectively controls grasses and broadleaf weeds, and it has no known resistance in U.S. broadacre crops.
"LibertyLink provides growers with superior weed control on driver weeds not being controlled by glyphosate or PPO chemistry," Hoobler says. "Credenz offers growers tailored varieties with defense packages to fit any field conditions. Growers need the technology now more than ever and we expect continued high demand for Credenz soybean varieties."
The fast pace isn't slowing for Credenz. Growers need continued innovation and Credenz is committed to meeting growers' needs.
"We plan on bringing several new high yielding Credenz varieties in 2019 and beyond with multiple herbicide tolerances and in genetics never before available to soybean growers," Hoobler says. "Credenz will continue to have a broad portfolio with a wide range of maturities to fit any soybean growing area. Credenz soybeans will provide opportunities for growers to choose the right variety for the right field to enhance their yield."
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