Nov. 1, 2017

Bayer CropScience division has launched in Chile its new fungicide product: Luna Tranquility (fluopyram + pyrimethanil).
With this new fungicide that Bayer introduced to its portfolio, the company is seeking to improve fruit health and increase the shelf life of the post-harvest table grapes, the most exported fruit in Chile (over 90 million boxes each year).
It is fundamental to maintain the grape quality at the moment of exports and achieve an optimal condition till arrival at far and diverse destinations. With nearly 48,000 hectares of the crop, Chile has been among the first place worldwide as an exporter of this fruit (48% goes to the United States; 23% to Asia and 23% to Europe).
“At Bayer, we are constantly researching and innovating to improve our products with the goal of it being a true contribution to agriculture and its challenges,” said Gabriel Assandri, a manager at the CropScience division of Bayer Chile. According to Bayer, Luna Tranquility has been successful launched around the world (North American, Europe, Russia, South Africa, Colombia, etc).
“The arrival of Luna Tranquility marks one before and after in the management of diseases in grapevines; since it is a product thought for the farmer’s necessities. In all countries that it is sold in Latin America, it has been a success because it goes beyond the effectiveness of a specific disease; it has an important benefit for post-harvest management and contributes to the fruit quality. As Bayer, we see that we can make a difference for Chilean table grapes and contribute to the farmer having a competitive grape quality,” said Eduardo Jara, who is responsible for the Innovation of Fungicides Portfolio in Latin America.
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