The new coffee cultivar IPR 106 is resistant to the crop nematodes - Photo: IAPAR
The Agronomic Institute of Paraná (Iapar), a research agency of the Brazilian state, presented to the productive sector the coffee cultivar IPR 106.
The major characteristic of the new cultivar is the resistance to nematodes, such as Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne paranaensis, species which make coffee plantation unfeasible in several producing regions of Brazil, according to the researcher Gustavo Hiroshi Sera.
The new cultivar is indicated for regions growing Arabic coffee, with annual average temperature between 20ºC and 23ºC. The plants have an average size, good architecture, yellow fruits and abundant branching. They are adequate to form crops in conventional planting, as well as for the densified system. The productive potential comes from 50 bags benefited per hectare, said researchers.
From the late cycle, IPR 106 enables arrangements with other cultivars available in the market, from early cycles, semi-early, average and semi-late, to enable the harvest of crops in stages, which brings more quantities of fruits and also reduces the costs of labor and infrastructure.
Regarding quality, it calls to attention a big percentage of grain with sieve superior to 16—a valued characteristic in the market, mostly in the sector of special coffees. In the sector of degustation, it is the beverage of intense smell, full bodied, with a sweet flavor and a good balance between acidity and bitterness. “It meets all the international requirements,” concluded the researcher.
The launch is part of the activities related to the 45 years of the institution, which takes place in the headquarters of the institution, in Londrina. Iapar will have the IPR 106 seeds available to nursery farmers later this year. Producers will be able to purchase the seedlings to plant the crop by 2018.