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Arysta LifeScience: BioSolutions leader in EMEA regionqrcode

−− Interviewed with Aleksandra Trampczynska Ph.D , Marketing Manager for BioSolutions at Arysta LifeScience in EMEA

Mar. 10, 2017

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Mar. 10, 2017
Grace Yuan

Grace Yuan

Global Marketing Director


Editor’s note: “The main target in the next two years is to register the full range of biocontrol and biostimulants solutions in the entire Europe, Middle East and Africa region,” said Aleksandra Trampczynska Ph.D , Marketing Manager for BioSolutions at Arysta LifeScience  in Europe, Middle East and Africa, in an interview with AgroPages. Meanwhile, she also introduced the development history of Arysta's BioScience business, BioSolutions portfolio, as well as development strategies etc.

Q1.  Could you briefly introduce the development history of Arysta's BioScience business and its strategic position in the company's overall business?

Arysta LifeScience has a very long history in BioSolutions. More than 20 years ago we launched Atonik, one of first biostimulants in central Europe, in cooperation with OAT, a Japanese partner. Realizing the great opportunity in the BioSolutions market and its growth potential, in 2007, Arysta acquired GBM from Mexico, allowing us to include new products in our portfolio based on amino, fulvic and humic acids, as well as on plant extracts. Then in 2014, we acquired Goëmar, bringing to our company 40 years of experience with seaweed-based products. This move positioned Arysta LifeScience as BioSolutions leader in EMEA.

In 2015, the new Arysta was created with the merger with Agriphar and Chemtura, thus giving the company access to a broader portfolio, especially in herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, PGRs, adjuvants  and seed treatment. The combination of these with our portfolio of BioSolutions are the base of new crop programs for a more environmentally friendly agriculture. These new programs place Arysta at the forefront of the industry. We are one of only a few companies in the market able to construct and deliver solutions that offer high quality yields, low residues and resistance management.

In Arysta, BioSolutions play a key role for the growth of our business, and are a fundamental source of competitive advantage for our company. Our strategy is based on three main pillars:
1)    Leadership in BioSolutions through a broad portfolio of products for a wide range of crops, including bioinsecticides, such as Carpovirusine, and biofungicides, such as Laminarin, as well as biostimulants such as Atonik, BM and Rooter.
2)    One of the most experienced and knowledgeable teams in the industry.
3)    Tangible benefits for farmers, supported by data from both external institutes as well as our own efficacy trials. It is not a coincidence that our motto is: “We cultivate prosperity.”

Q2.  Could you introduce Arysta's BioSolutions portfolio in detail, and explain the respective advantages of each?

Arysta LifeScience flagship products include:

1.    Biostimulants:

-    Atonik (synthetic nitrophenols - improving tolerance to frost in spring, reducing plant mortality and promoting bud formation for the following season).
-    Colorado (Ascophyllum nodosum based product – improving red blush of fruits and providing nutrients for fruits).
-    BM (Ascophyllum nodosum based product – providing better fruit setting and differentiation of ‘king’ fruitless, limiting flowers drop and inducing top fruit size categories).
-    Rooter (Ascophyllum nodosum based product increasing root- and above-ground fresh matter accumulation, providing better resistance to abiotic stress such as drought and overwintering, activating nutrient uptake from the soil for a better profitability of fertilizer investment and acting as an additional source of P and K, both key elements for root development).

2.    Biocontrol:
-    Carpovirusine (CpGV – providing natural protection against Codling Moth and Oriental Fruit moth while preserving beneficial insects, leaving no residues and harmless for growers and consumers, thus supporting management of resistance to chemical insecticides).
-    Vacciplant (laminarin – providing natural protection against wide range of pathogens including  scab as well as Fire blight, thus making it a complementary solution to products currently used and making protection without residues possible, and a great tool for resistance management).

3.    Innovative Nutrients: Arysta is selling InCa for fruits and vegetables in cooperation with Plant Impact in Central Europe. We have also just launched Banzai on Cocoa, which is the first biostimulant dedicated to this promising market.

Q3. Could you introduce the business model and/or strategies of Arysta's BioScience business in EAME region, as well as the plan of new product launch?

Our strategy in the Europe, Africa and Middle East region is built around seven focus crops: apples, olives, grapes, vegetables, potatoes, cocoa and cotton. For each focus crop, our goal is to create a defined crop strategy to promote environmentally friendly agriculture. In the case of biostimulants, we support higher yields and better yield quality. The biocontrol range helps farmers reduce the number of applications of traditional crop protection products, supporting resistance management and low residues.

For us, the main target in the next two years is to register the full range of biocontrol and biostimulants solutions in the entire Europe, Middle East and Africa region. We are now working on the launch of a new and innovative bioinsecticide, which will have its premiere this year in southern Europe.

Source: AgroNews


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