The cultivar TMG 7063IPRO is the new option available in the soybean market for the 2016-2017 season in the south of Brazil and the states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, besides neighboring Paraguay.
The product was developed by Tropical Melhoramento & Genética (TMG) and brings the mixture of Inox® technology, resistance to Asian rust with Intacta RR2 Pro, which is resistant to the major caterpillars and to glyphosate herbicide. On Friday, February 10, TMG launched this new product at the Show Rural Coopavel, one of the largest agricultural fairs in the country, in Cascavel, in the state of Paraná.
Besides the genetic attributes, TMG 7063IPRO presents a high PMS and, since it is in the group of maturity 6.3, it allows the planting of a second corn crop. The new alternative takes care of planting from September 15, in regions where the growing of soybeans is possible during this period. It is recommended for soils of average and high fertility because it shows aggressive roots and has the ability to adapt to environments which are below 600 meters in altitude, and generally hotter. They exhibit more capacity in comparison with the crop in other regions.
In reality, the launch of the variety happened during the 2015-2016 season during a technical tour of TMG in Cambé, in the state of Paraná in the presence of farmers, consultants and representatives of the company. By that time, the group was enthused with the performance of the cultivar in areas of different sizes and costs. Even then, during the previous season, TMG 7063IPRO achieved an increase in yields of nine bags (60kg) per hectare in comparison to the average yield of competitors in 51 areas.
During the 2016-2017 season, the cultivar has so far continued to demonstrate its productive potential in already harvested areas. One of those was from Astorga (Paraná) belonging to a farmer Carlos Henrize Gazzoni which yielded 73.3 bags per hectare on an area of 3.1 hectares. In Palotina (Paraná), on the property of Jair and Giovane Berticelli, the yields were 80.6 bags per hectare in an area of 1.5 hectare. In Kakuete (Paraguay), the harvest was also excellent with 93.3 bags per hectare on 1.3 hectare of land belonging to Laerte Kaeker. Other results will be presented during the harvest of the soybeans summer crop.
Market development consultant of TMG, Rogério Medeiros revealed that TMG 7063IPRO adds the portfolio of soybean cultivars of TMG combined with TMG 7062IPRO, an already consolidated variety in the productive regions of Brazil where it was adapted. “TMG 7063IPRO is one more option available to the farmer and it has been available to the TMG representatives,” Medeiros explained.