Jan. 19, 2017
A herbicide resistance problem doesn't develop overnight. Usually, it's the result of high selection pressure put on a weed population over the course of several years. By repeatedly applying the same herbicide or several herbicides that use only a single effective mode of action (MOA), or applying a herbicide at less than a labeled rate, growers can accidentally create that pressure.
The results of herbicide resistance can be extremely costly. In the long run, taking a proactive approach to weed management is the most effective and economical way to tackle this challenge. To help manage herbicide resistant weeds, Syngenta recommends the following best management practices:
1. Plant in a seedbed free of problem weeds, especially where Palmer amaranth is the major issue. In this case, use tillage or chemical burndown with products like Gramoxone SL 2.0 herbicide (Geography: 100 mile radius (AR, West TN, Bootheel MO).
2. Use full rates of herbicides with different mechanisms or effective MOA prior to planting and throughout the growing season.
3. Optimize soybean growth environment with a combination of cultural and management practices that promote healthy vigorous plant growth such
4. Overlap residual herbicides from burndown to canopy-closure applications to ensure minimum escapes during the growing season. Boundary 6.5 EC herbicide pre-emergence provides residual activity with 2 MOA and excellent activity on most problem grass and broadleaf weeds.
5. Use overlapping residuals by combining glyphosate post-emerge together with a product like Prefix herbicide that has 2 MOA and is effective on most problem grass and broadleaf weeds.
6. Use registered formulations of Dicamba, if necessary, at the recommended rate to clean up escapes of weeds like Palmer amaranth before they exceed 2" in height.
Well-developed resistance management plans help growers protect yield potential and maximize profit, protecting the grower's bottom line.
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