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Embrapa launches BRS 7380 RR soybeans, called resistant to nematodesqrcode

Sep. 26, 2016

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Sep. 26, 2016
The Cerrado unit of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (Embrapa) announced the launch of GMO soybeans BRS 7380RR, which offers resistance to the nematodes of gall (Meloydogine incognita e M. javanica) and cyst (races 3, 4, 6, 9, 10 and 14) nematodes. Developed in partnership with the Cerrado foundation, the new material has an early cycle (105 to 110 days) and is resistant to the glyphosate herbicide.
The BRS 7380RR soybeans also has a low factor of reproduction to nematode Pratylenchus spp., besides being totally adapted to the Cerrado biome. Because of these characteristics of multiples resistances to nematodes and its early cycle, the cultivar is indicated in those places where the succession of crops will be made with corn and sorghum, for those regions in which the soils present a history of problems with this disease, thus increasing the agricultural sustainability.
“It is an undetermined growth cultivar, which grows well and occupies the spaces, compensating the low stand with productivity,” explains head researcher Sebastião Pedro.
According to Embrapa, other major points of BRS 7380RR are its stability and elevated productivity. “At the time of choosing the variety, what catches the attention of the producer is the yield roof. It is a material that brings great advantages to the farmer, and it is another technology that brings economic, social and environmental sustainability to the system,” noted Pedro.
Source: AgroNews


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