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Five major agchem firms had lower sales in Argentina in 2015qrcode

Jun. 13, 2016

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Jun. 13, 2016

The five largest agrochemical companies in Argentina had a combined revenue last year of US$ 455.1 million, according to a market survey authored by the Pampa Groups and released by newspaper La Nación. In 2014, all the agrochemical market in the country, composed by 24 companies, has moved US$ 2.95 billion and last year had lowered to US$ 2.46 billion – at least 16.7% less or a decrease of US$ 493.1 million.

On the other hand, if there is a focus at the five major companies, Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow AgroSciences, Bayer and Atanor, those companies all together sold US$ 455.1 million less at the period. With this fall, the five largest companies represented 92.2% of the total fall of the market.

The fall at the planting of wheat and corn, which decreased almost 1.7 million hectares in 2015, has busted the agrochemicals market in general. Besides, there was a decrease on sales of all products such as glyphosate, other herbicides, insecticides, and all sorts of fungicides, which are key for the five top companies. Experts say that the lack of investment on agrochemicals, generated by the tax policies of the previous government, explain the fall.

Considering all products, glyphosate had the most relevant sales fall with 24% less. This was also explained by lower prices of the product. In the case of herbicides, the market decreased 7% with the greater impact of a smaller planting area. While insecticides had a sales decrease of 28.5% with less attacks of insects in that year.

Monsanto had a lower revenue decrease with about 15%, while the other major companies such as Syngenta, Dow AgroSciences, Bayer and Atanor, had saw a 17% fall on their sales on average.

Of 24 companies surveyed, just seven have grown: Basf (+27%), Agrofina (+1%), Red Surcos (+6%), Summit (+6%), FMC (+15%), YPF (+8%) and Arysta (+14%). For the next season, however, all await a recovery and a strong performance due to the bigger planting areas of soybeans, wheat, corn and all other grain.

Source: AgroNews


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