Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

China first to grant fluoxastrobin technical registrationqrcode

Jun. 1, 2016

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Jun. 1, 2016

The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture recently released a list of pesticide products that will be granted registration, of which Bayer’s 94% fluoxastrobin technical will be granted temporary registration. This is the first time China has registered a fluoxastrobin product.

Fluoxastrobin was developed by Bayer in 1994 and sold mainly in Europe and North America. In 2004, Bayer mixed fluoxastrobin with prothioconazole and launched it under the brand name Fandango. Arysta obtained the distribution rights for fluoxastrobin in 2005 and was responsible for its market development in the United States, Canada, and Japan, along with global marketing for non-crop applications.

Arysta signed another agreement with Bayer in 2012, acquiring exclusive distribution rights for fluoxastrobin in both crop and non-crop applications, while Bayer retained the right to develop and market its use in seed treatment and some specific formulated products.

Through series licensing and cooperation, Arysta has successfully launched two product lines, Evito and Disarm for F&V (fruit & vegetable) and turf respectively. The company has now started to collaborate with others, including Isagro, Chemtura, and FMC, to jointly develop fluoxastrobin in the global market.

Last week, Arysta announced the release of its new fungicide product Evito in China. Evito will be launched later this year, and another product with a different concentration will be launched in 2017. The fluoxastrobin series will inject new energy into China’s fungicide market.

The global sales of fluoxastrobin in 2014 reached US$220 million.


Source: AgroNews


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