Apr. 26, 2016
United Phosphorus, Inc., as subsidiary of UPL Limited in USA, plans to establish a new industrial operation in Williamsburg County, South Carolina. The company plans to invest more than $20 million in the project and create 65 new jobs over the next several years.
UPI is a national producer of crop protection products, specialty chemicals and a variety of other industrial products. The company offers a wide range of compounds that include insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and fumigants for use in multiple segments.
This new development will involve the renovation of an existing 520,000-square-foot building, located on 60 acres at 1457 Eastland Ave. in Kingstree. The project will include considerable improvements, including modernization of the building’s existing shipping space.
“The opening of our first U.S. full production facility will allow UPI to locally enhance our new product development pipeline that is expected to produce over twelve new products in the next eighteen months. Our new facility will allow us to meet that demand and provide the market flexibility that is needed for high value brands, as well as to better serve our customers. UPI’s strategy is to invest in innovative products, the environment and the community, as a long term sustainable supplier of molecules aligned to the agricultural value chain,” said UPI Executive, Vicente Gongora.
As an incentive, The Coordinating Council for Economic Development awarded Williamsburg County a $600,000 grant to assist with the costs of real property improvements. Job development credits were also approved for this project.
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