Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

UK to ban sales and use of chlorpyrifos from Aprilqrcode

Mar. 30, 2016

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Mar. 30, 2016
As of 1 April 2016 it will be illegal to sell, distribute or use stocks of products containing organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos in UK. The only exception being a protected brassica seedling drench treatment applied via automated gantry sprayer.
2015 saw the removal of chlorpyrifos as an approved pesticide in the amenity sector. By 31st August 2015, all spraying of chlorpyrifos, on sports turf areas had to cease. However, some areas of estates were still allowed to spray. For example, paddock areas for horses were still exempt. That was until Friday 12th February, when the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) announced that the registration for use of chlorpyrifos in all uses, other than treatment of brassica modules, have been revoked following the earlier revocation of use in Amenity sectors. What has also been stipulated is that it will be illegal to store chlorpyrifos after the 1st October 2016. Below is a summary of the major outcomes of the announcement:
From 1st April 2016 it will be illegal to spray any product containing chlorpyrifos on any crop
Sales from manufacturers to distributors have been suspended from 12th February 2016
Users have until 1st October 2016 to dispose of all stocks of any product containing chlorpyrifos via a suitable waste disposal/ management company
After 1st October 2016 it will be illegal to store any product containing chlorpyrifos
To help members identify products involved in this latest revocation here is a full list:
Product Name and MAPP No.
Akofos 480 EC - 14211
Alpha Chlorpyrifos 48EC - 13532
Ballad - 11659
Chlobber - 13723
Clayton Pontoon - 13219
Clayton Pontoon 48EC - 14555
Cyren - 11028
Dursban WG - 9153
EA Pyrifos - 15005
Equity - 12465
Garrison - 15657
Govern - 13223
Parapet - 12773
Pyrifos 480 - 15991
Pyrinex 48EC - 13534
Reldan 22 - 12404
Reldan 22 - 16710
Tipulex - 15757

Source: BIGGA


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