Mar. 11, 2016
At the 19th Jiangsu Pesticide & Instrument Information Workshop, held on February 25, Nanjing Goodagro Ltd presented its latest rice herbicide, Gengshangpao®, which is China’s first macro granule product, to be used for paddy rice transplantation and barnyard grass control.
The Gengshangpao® granules have a diameter of 5mm, a length between 8mm and 10mm, and are irregularly shaped. The product's ingredients include pretilachlor, pyrazosulfuron, a water surface extending agent, a disintegrant, and a polymeric dispersant. While these ingredients give the product a strong weed control capability, the product has also been designed for easy upthrow in paddy rice fields, allowing for an adequate, uniform, and properly dispersed application. The herbicide application personnel can simply throw a water-soluble bag containing the product along the edge of the rice field without ever stepping into the field.
The properties of Gengshangpao® saves intensive labor, which transforms the burden of field work into an easy and relaxed experience, resulting in obvious cost, labor, and time savings.
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