Sep. 8, 2009
Season-long control of grass and broadleaf weeds in corn fields got a boost this year from a new Bayer CropScience product called Corvus. As it turns out, Hoosier growers got the best look at Corvus during this limited supply, introductory year.
Hoosier Ag Today spoke with Jeff Springsteen from Bayer CropScience, who said, Actually Indiana was our number one state as far as the amount of Corvus that we did get out this year. In the results we saw there was phenomenal control whether it was used in that pre-emergent application timing or at V2. With the wet year we had there were at lot more early post applications than we probably would have had in the past. And people really like using it at that V1, V2 stage, because with the residual that the product does have in it they never saw weeds come into those fields when they sprayed it.
Corvus selective herbicide is a new soil-applied herbicide that features WeatherShield technology for weed control, whether conditions turn wet or hot and dry.
Springsteen said the pre-emergent product that is effective through early post, also provides great burndown control to control the weeds you have up at the time of application, plus give you residual at the 5.6 ounce rate that will carry you through canopy. Bayer CropScience will stand behind that. We like to call it one pass, two modes of action, zero doubts. So it’s a great herbicide and great on Roundup resistance weeds that you may have out there.
Corvus supplies should cover the demand in 2010, according to Springsteen. We are going to have at least 3X of what we had this year and that should be a more than sufficient supply.
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