Aug. 20, 2015
Haifa Group,Israel special fertilizer company recently introduced a new coated urea granule offers a continuous supply of nitrogen over 16 months, an important addition to the Group’s range of controlled release fertilizers (CRF).
The new coated urea offers release longevity of 16 months. This adds to Haifa’s full range of coated nutrients, which allows Multicote™ and Multicote™ Agri blends with any desired nutritional composition and release profile. Fertilizer blends based on the 16-months coated urea offer the long-term nitrogen nutrition required by trees and perennial shrubs. With single application crops can benefit from continues and sufficient supply of quality nitrogen for a 16 months period, based on standard soil temperature of 21°C (70°F).
Haifa now offers coated urea in seven different release longevity rates, from 2 to 16 months. Haifa Group’s Multicote™ is the most diversified controlled release fertilizer range, with more than 35 different products. Multicote™ also meets the strictest environmental regulation, with near zero nitrogen leaching. The usage of CRF ensure that growers can benefit from a substantial savings on labor, time and costs by providing nutrients to their crops for the entire growth cycle, in just a single application.
“The new coated nitrogen for 16 month represents a pioneering approach, and a technological breakthrough. This new CRF product is an enhanced solution to growers who seek for the longest possible nutrient release longevity“, said Natan Feldman, VP sales and marketing at Haifa Group. “We can now offer growers a much higher flexibility in the production of Multicote™ and Multicote™ Agri blends for their crops.”
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