Jul. 7, 2015
DuPont Crop Protection obtained recently the extension of the registration for the use of fungicides Equation (Cymoxanil+Famoxadone) and Midas (Mancozeb+Famoxadone), and the insecticide Rumo (Indoxacarb) WG, with Brazil's government agencies. According to the company, the measure aims to meet the specific needs of farmers in producing regions of potatoes, tomatoes and greenery.
Equation and Midas received the permission to control disease of blackleg and stem-end rot on potato, as well as prescription for management of the bacterial leaf spot on tomato.
Insecticide Rumo WG can be used on the control of caterpillars in vegetables, such as zucchini, lettuce, potatoes, broccoli, cucumber, tomato and others, as well as fruits such as watermelon and melon.
The stem-end rot and the blackleg are diseases that could degrade the cell walls of a potato plant, which would cause a collapse of the tissues and bring a softened problem to the crop.
According to DuPont, fungicides Equation and Midas also have proven efficacy to control the bacterial leaf spot when used on tomatoes. The disease, common in times of higher temperatures, causes damages on fruits and more harmful effects to crop health.
The insecticide Rumo WG, adds the company, acts efficiently on caterpillars which are hard to control. It is recommended as a partner on the practice of insecticide resistance management.
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