Jun. 5, 2015
Air monitoring results released from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) show that most of the monitored pesticides, in various rural agricultural communities, were found well below levels that indicate a health concern or need for further evaluation.
It monitors and analyzes 32 pesticides and 5 breakdown products in six communities: Salinas (Monterey County), Shafter (Kern County) and Ripon (San Joaquin County) which DPR directly monitors and Ventura, Santa Maria (Santa Barbara County) and Watsonville (Santa Cruz County) which the Air Resources Board (ARB) monitors at DPRs request.
Of the 32 pesticides and five breakdown products that were monitored, 14 could not be detected at all and 12 were only detected at trace levels.
It is not unusual to see slight variances in annual data and these may be caused by a number of factors including weather conditions, pest pressures and types of applications used.
DPR’s air monitoring network was established to expand the department’s knowledge of the potential health risks of long-term exposure to pesticides, rather than rely on short-term monitoring data. The data from the network helps DPR determine if additional protective measures are needed.
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