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More Investments in Pesticide Registrations in Brazilqrcode

Feb. 10, 2015

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Feb. 10, 2015
Until final figures are under consolidation, it is estimated 2014 pesticide sales in Brazil shall have increased of 6% compared to previous year, totalizing US$ 12.2 billion. In such big market with still high margins where 14 companies share almost 85% of the total market, it is easy to understand why more and more new players are willing to attempt to access it through registrations.
After almost 10 years that the Brazilian pesticide regulation regarding equivalency is in place, pesticide registrations are still more than a challenge.

Technical product registration numbers
700 registrations in queue for evaluation
261 submission requests applied in 2014
150 registrations under evaluation
416 registrations considered equivalent
537 registration evaluations concluded since 2005
121 registrations evaluations not approved
Source: ANVISA, February, 2015.
Since 2005 the figures show that 22.5% of the submissions were not approved. Based on this, it is clear the fact that applicants have still much to learn and to understand local regulations rules, in addition to the fact that rules have several changes and different interpretations over time, furthermore since 2011. In the last years the average of non-approvals (rejections, voluntary withdrawn) are approximately 26%.
The most important active ingredients in number of registration submissions:
Active ingredient Submission Total
In the queue for evaluation Under evaluation Number %
2,4-D 14 2 16 1.9
Acephate 11 1 12 1.4
Atrazine 13 - 13 1.5
Azoxystrobin 30 9 39 4.6
Acetamiprid 14 - 14 1.65
Chlorthalonil 12 - 12 1.4
Chlorpyrifos 11 1 12 1.4
Clethodim 12 - 12 1.4
Cyproconazole 13 2 15 1.75
Dicamba 12 - 12 1.4
Lambda-cyhalothrin 16 1 17 2
Diflubenzuron 10 - 10 1.2
Diafenthiuron 10 1 11 1.3
Diuron 2 13 15 1.75
Flutriafol 20 - 20 2.35
Fipronil 26 3 29 3.5
Fluazinam 11 - 11 1.3
Glyphosate 40 16 56 6.6
Hexazinone 13 - 13 1.5
Imidacloprid 18 8 26 3
Lufenuron 17 - 17 2
Mesotrione 11 - 11 1.3
Paraquat 11 4 15 1.75
Methomyl 9 3 12 1.4
Thiophanate- methyl 13 - 13 1.5
Thiodicarb 11 2 13 1.5
Tebuconazole 19 - 19 2.2
Thiamethoxam 20 12 34 4

These 28 active ingredients represent 43% of all registration submissions (in the queue for evaluation + under evaluation)
Some analysts estimate that these numbers of registration evaluations of technical products for evaluation shall take 10-12 years for evaluation. Nevertheless it is expected some registration proceeding changes that may speed up registration evaluations and/or speed up rejections as well. Since January this year there is a new minister’s team that had expressed the intention for this. Of course there are many steps until any change could be observed.
According to Mr. Flavio Hirata, MBA, from AllierBrasil, new players and also already established companies in Brazil are eager to increase their product portfolio in order to access the market through registrations. This can be observed on the numbers of 2014: 261 registration submission requests of technical products that represents 18.8% of all technical product registration requests since 2005. Also, each technical product registration shall be linked or generates 2 to 3 formulation registrations that will result up to almost 2,000 new formulation registrations. With such number of players and generic product registrations, Brazilian pesticide market is facing considerable changes now and much more changes are to be expected, finalizes Mr. Hirata.



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