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Adama's Poquer herbicide is approved in Brazilqrcode

Nov. 14, 2014

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Nov. 14, 2014
Adama's Poquer® herbicide (clethodim) has received approval from the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture for desiccation stage of soybean crops. This attends requests of Brazilian farmers that required a product to combat sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) - a weed that has spread throughout several regions of the country.
"Poquer is an efficient solution with simple application," said Ernesto Benetti, product development manager at Adama. The product also controls Brachiaria plantaginea, Cenchrus echinatus, and the Eleusine indica.
The widespread occurrences of sourgrass over the crops occurred after the continued use of glyphosate-tolerant Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans, which originally allowed the use of glyphosate efficiently. But the grassy created a resistance and did not respond anymore to the old solution. "Without prevention, this weed can cause losses of over 80% to the producer," alerted by Benetti. He explained the issue is more frequent in the warmer regions of Brazil.
Poquer introduced "Poquer has produced excellent results on the post-emergent applications over RR soybeans to control the voluntary corn", another major worries of farmers generated mostly by the increase of areas planted with winter RR corn.
Source: AgroNews


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