Aug. 19, 2014
University of Illinois Extension has released a new smartphone app for making sprayer-related calculations. Pesticide Spray Calculator, or Spray Calc, is available for both Apple and Android smartphone platforms. It contains multiple functions related to calibrating a sprayer.
The opening screen allows the user to select from one of four main options:
- Calibration: allows user to calibrate four different sprayers types.
- PSI for GPM: allows user to calculate required pressure in order to provide a specific flow rate, or do the opposite.
- Nozzle Speed: determine minimum and maximum speeds for a specific nozzle.
- Convert Value: various pesticide application related unit conversions.
Throughout the app, help menus are available to provide guidance as to the function of various app components, as well as definitions for many of the variables listed. For most variables, touching the name of the variable brings up a definition of what the variable is and how it is measured.
Selecting "Calibration" leads to a screen with four options: Aircraft, Ground Rig, Turf Boom, and Boomless. Within each section, calibration scenarios can be saved for future reference and for values to be loaded into some of the other functions available on the app. Each option will be discussed separately.
Spray Calc was created to assist applicators with many of the calculations used to calibrate and set up a sprayer. In the future, functions to assist with tank mix calculations will be added along with other possible functions.
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