Jun. 24, 2014
CropLife America (CLA) welcomes the announcement by President Barack Obama, which seeks to achieve necessary collaboration across the federal government in support of pollinator health.
The President's memorandum presents a comprehensive strategy and calls for broad participation from a number of federal agencies. CLA is hopeful that this level of federal cooperation will help generate practical, science-based solutions for improving pollinator health.
"CLA is pleased that the President recognizes that multiple stressors are responsible for impacting pollinator health, including poor bee nutrition, loss of forage lands, parasites, pathogens and lack of genetic diversity. We support additional research surrounding the interplay of all of these factors, as well as management techniques for controlling harmful pests such as the Varroa mite.
"CLA also recognizes the role the crop protection industry is taking in advancing pollinator health, and stresses the importance of following label directions when applying crop protection products. Ongoing research and field studies have consistently found no adverse effects on bee colonies when pesticides are applied according to label directions.
These science-based label directions are written under supervision of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); in the process, potential environmental and health hazards are carefully evaluated and necessary mitigation measures are taken.
We appreciate EPA's release of a new pollinator risk assessment guidance document as well as the release of residual toxicity guidelines for growers and beekeepers. CLA looks forward to working with the Agency as it continues to review any potential impacts that pesticides may have on pollinators.”
"The President also appropriately emphasizes the important role that pollinators play in our country's agricultural production. Agriculture is one of the healthiest sectors of our national economy and it is in the collective interest of all stakeholders to support its continued growth.
We will continue to remain actively engaged in this issue and look forward to ongoing collaboration with federal agencies, beekeeping groups, scientists and representatives of the crop protection and agricultural industries."
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