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Belarus approves STK's Timorex Gold® biofungicideqrcode

Jan. 15, 2014

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Jan. 15, 2014

Belarus approves STK's Timorex Gold® biofungicide

Timorex Gold®
The Stockton Group (STK), an international crop protection company, recently announced that its flagship product, Timorex Gold®, has received a registration in Belarus to control Gray-mold rot (Botrytis cinerea) and Ascohita cucumis that are threatening greenhouse-grown cucumbers.

Timorex Gold®is a natural fungicide based on a plant extract, and is registered and approved for use in organic and conventional agriculture in more than 25 countries in the world, including most countries in Central and South America, Australia, Philippines, Serbia and Canada. The product offers a wide-range of disease control in a large array of crops including vines, tomatoes, cucumbers, bananas, and many more.

Timorex Gold®effectively controls and prevents gray-mold rot. Now, greenhouse cucumber growers will be able to protect this difficult-to-control fungus that can significantly reduce the yield. When incorporating this residue-free product regularly in disease control management as part of the conventional production, Timorex Gold®enables the reduction of the residual chemical burden and is a highly effective tool in resistance management, making it an ideal tool for IPM programs. 

“STK is excited to offer greenhouse farmers in Belarus a curative and preventive eco-friendly solution which meets the evolving needs of growers,” explained Guy Cooper, Vice President of Commerce and Business Development of the Stockton Group. “Timorex Gold® is an excellent choice for Belarusian producers looking to maximize and protect their investment in the production of their crops. We look forward to further expanding the label in this country and offer new alternatives for additional growers.”

Source: STK Group


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