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EPA approves new application guidelines for Syngenta fungicides qrcode

Feb. 20, 2009

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Feb. 20, 2009

New application guidelines from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on wheat Syngenta Crop Protection’s Quilt and Tilt fungicides reinforce application up to Feekes Growth Stage 10.5, while removing the 45-day preharvest interval (PHI) restriction, reports Grain Net.

“We had been evaluating our fungicide label language compared to the standard in the industry and found that most fungicide labels base their PHI on growth stages rather than days before harvest,” explained Rodolfo Leyva, fungicide brand manager for Syngenta Crop Protection. The label changes are expected to help avoid situations such as occurred in Kansas in 2008, where wheat was quarantined after being treated with Quilt before Feekes 10.5 but harvested before the 45-day PHI. Residue testing demonstrated that levels were well below the tolerances, so the grain was released for sale.

Source: FCI


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