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Bayer developed an innovative campaign for FOX® fungicide to draw the farmer's attention in Brazilqrcode

Aug. 19, 2013

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Aug. 19, 2013
One of the biggest challenges for marketing professional at the agribusiness is to draw the farmer’s attention. The strategies require, in addition to specific knowledge of the subject, great ability to stand out among so many direct competitors.

Therefore, Bayer CropScience in Brazil has developed an innovative campaign for FOX ® fungicide, a defensive product used to control diseases that affect the soybean, wheat, beans and cotton crops. The project is divided into four stages started in 2010 and is now entering the third one.

In this new stage, Bayer CropScience invited four renowned agricultural producers to star in the campaign and highlight the benefits of FOX ® fungicide with real results: for soybeans, Walter Horita; for cotton, ValdirMasutti Junior; for beans, Adriano Carniel; and for wheat, Rodrigo Barison.

Their participation in the campaign reflects the satisfaction that each producer had with the results obtained by FOX ® fungicide. In the opinion of Rodrigo Barison, this is the best product for the integrated control of major diseases of winter cereals. "Today the farmer that applies the fungicide is sure that the disease is being controlled. Using FOX ® fungicide, he or she has this certainty”. According to him, there were two crops that the product is being used on the farm Vacaria (RS) and the result is total use of the genetic potentiality of the seeds, since there was no productive loss resulted from diseases.

Adriano Carniel reinforces Barison’s statement remembering the difficulties that producers face when they choose to cultivate in the Cerrado region. "Besides the lack of general infrastructure, the lack of technical knowledge of how-to, how much and what bean cultivars to plant had a great influence. With time, the technological development has advanced and given us growth alternatives. This is where we consider the importance of a product that gives us security in disease control. The FOX ® has provided that".

According to ValdirMasutti Junior, Bayer is the largest partner in managing diseases, pests and weeds in cotton. "The company knows the producer and the difficulties we have in the field. Our ups and downs all year. And it is always by our side every day seeking more technology and innovations to contribute to the growth of our business". The Masuttigroup began adopting FOX ® in 2011, with efficient control of diseases like rust and stain target in soybeans. The work was so successful that the producer also began using the fungicide for cotton growing.

The same was done by Walter Horita, a soybean producer in Western Bahia, Brazil. "In the 2012/13 season the results were so positive that we will expand the treatment, at the 2013/14 for a commercial area of 50,000 hectares. The FOX ® delivered what they promised. "

Since the product was first released for soybeans, the idea was to open a channel of dialogue with farmers at the rust stage, the main disease that attacks the soybean crop in Brazil, aiming, in a second step, to position the FOX ® as a solution. With this, Bayer CropScience brought the actor LuizAlves Pereira Neto, to impersonate one of the problems that frighten producers the most.

"All work was developed considering that our client seeks information on all possible channels, whether at the technical recommendation or even at the use of modern applications. The action revealed that a work well orchestrated and planned is feasible and brings good results. We have shown for the producers we work to meet their needs", says the manager of Marketing Strategy, Everson Zin.

At the fourth stage, the focus of the campaign will reinforce the importance of the product in the handling program of complex diseases.

Source: AgroNews


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