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Ghana approves commercialization of 14 new GE productsqrcode

Apr. 16, 2024

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Apr. 16, 2024

Ghana approves commercialization of 14 new GE products

According to an USDA FAS report, Ghana continues to demonstrate its conviction that proven science-based advanced technologies remain viable options in the global efforts to achieve food security in the face of various production constraints like climate change. In line with this belief, Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has approved 14 new biotechnology products for commercialization. These are comprised of eight corn and six soybean events.

General Information:

Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has approved 14 new biotechnology products comprising eight corn events and six soybean events for placement on the market. The authorization by the NBA covers usage of the approved biotechnology products as feed, food, and/or industrial ingredient.

Though coming four months later than anticipated, by authorizing the commercialization of 14 new biotechnology events in late February 2024, Ghana, again made a significant stride towards lending credence to its growing popularity as a leading nation in Sub-Saharan Africa that aligns its policies with proven science. Ghana’s decision is welcomed by the global scientific community and is expected to enhance trade and impact food security positively. Below are details of the approved events:


Source: USDA FAS


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