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Corteva Agriscience's Salibro® CA nematicide with Reklemel™ active registered for Californiaqrcode

−− Breakthrough innovation to control crop-damaging nematodes, protect natural soil health

Jan. 27, 2025

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Jan. 27, 2025

To address the significant challenge of plant-parasitic nematodes, Corteva Agriscience has launched Salibro® CA nematicide with Reklemel™ active, a new nematicide to help protect a wide variety of California crops from damage without disrupting the healthy balance of beneficial organisms in soil. Salibro® CA has received approval from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation, which followed registration by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2024.

Salibro CA stands out for its excellent environmental profile and compatibility with beneficial organisms, promoting healthy and productive soils.

″Salibro CA is a novel, non-fumigant nematicide that targets plant parasitic nematode species while working in combination with beneficial soil organisms to improve the function of our soils,″ said Natalie Holt, nematicides product manager, Corteva. ″Producers who have trialed Salibro® CA in their vegetable and tree crops have been pleased with the protection it provides from damaging plant-parasitic nematodes like root knot, lesion and dagger nematodes, while maximizing yield potential and, in many cases, improving marketable plant quality.″

Plant-parasitic nematodes are microscopic organisms found in soil that feed on the roots of plants. Because they are notoriously difficult for California farmers to identify and control, plant-parasitic nematodes pose a significant threat to food security, with potential damages estimated at or exceeding $600 million per year1.

As the first sulfonamide nematicide, Salibro CA will provide a new mode of action for effective resistance management.

″With the ability to use pre-plant, at plant, and post-plant via drip irrigation, producers have flexibility to incorporate this product into their management practices,″ said Jesse Richardson, California field scientist, Corteva. ″Salibro CA is one of the very few post-plant nematicides available for growers, especially in orchards.″

Reklemel active, discovered and developed by Corteva, has received a reduced risk designation from U.S. EPA due to the product's ability to selectively target plant-parasitic nematodes, its lower use rates than older nematicides, and its highly favorable environmental and toxicological profile as compared to alternatives. Reklemel is one of the first new active ingredients to be registered under EPA's updated policy incorporating Endangered Species Act assessments into the pesticide registration process.

Salibro® CA will be available for sale for the 2025 season. Contact your local Corteva representative or retailer for additional information.

1 California Department of Food and Agriculture. 2025. Nematology Laboratory Overview. www.cdfa.ca.gov/plant/PPD/nematology.html#:~:text=The%20state's%20agricultural%20industry%20could,become%20widespread%20within%20the%20State

Salibro® CA is only registered for sale or use in California. Reklemel™ is a registered active ingredient. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions.


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